Monday, October 17, 2011

The Local Church is the Hope of the World

I recently attended a wonderful church service at Willow North Shore, a satellite of Willow Creek Community Church, which was started by Bill Hybels 36 years ago.  It just so happened that that Sunday was the anniversary of the church’s establishment so Hybels gave the main message.  Wow, did he hit the nail on the head.  Apparently, Hybels has often been quoted for saying, “the local church is the hope of the world.”  During his message yesterday he told the story of when he first came to this realization and how it's affected his ministry since.

As I sat there listening to the message and worshiping in the moment I clearly felt the Holy Spirit’s presence.  This ‘feeling’ was an answered prayer as I had specifically asked God to rein down on me during the service, to reveal Himself.  As is always the case, God is faithful to provide when we seek Him with our whole heart. Listening to the passion in Hybel’s voice brought tears to my eyes.  He eloquently stated what I had been feeling for some time:  There must be something more that the Church can do.  We must be able to affect people’s live more greatly and more directly than we are  now.  To summarize his message, Hybels challenged us to become an Acts 2 church.

On the drive home I had a great conversation with God.  Essentially, my thoughts went like this:

"God, I know that You want to bless me.  I know that you plant desires in my heart and that as I trust in You, You will fulfill them in your timing.  But Lord, if I know that You place the desires in my heart why do I so often feel undeserving of them?  Why am I so quick to deny the blessings You provide? Why do I doubt that you want to bless me abundantly?  For even Your Word says that You came so that we may have life and have it abundantly.  I pray for You to expand my territory, to use me in a mighty way, to provide for me and yet when you do all these things I feel spoiled and unworthy.  How dare I question how you chose to bless me."

As is often the case, God spoke to me through my own thoughts, answering my questions as I was still forming them, challenging my own thoughts.  He's good like this.   God desires to bless us richly.  There is nothing we can do to earn these blessings.  He does it because He loves us unconditionally.

That Sunday I was reminded of the Church's role in this temporary home.  There is much work to be done here on Earth.  But, I was also reminded of God's goodness - He desires to bless us abundantly as we serve Him and serve others, if only we will allow Him to do so. 

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