Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Costs of Sanctification

In today's devotional in My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers says,  "Are we prepared to pay the cost of sanctification?  The cost will be a deep restriction of all our earthly concerns, and an extensive cultivation of all our godly concerns.  Sanctification means to be intensely focused on God's point of view.  It means to secure and to keep all the strength of our body, soul, and spirit for God's purpose alone. Are we really prepared for God to perform in us everything for which he separated us?"

I love this.

First, what is sanctification? The process of being set apart for God's purpose, the process of becoming more like Christ.  It's not easy, it's not always fun, and it's sometimes straight up painful.

Second, what are the costs of sanctification?  "a deep restriction of our earthly concerns" and "an extensive cultivation of our godly concerns"  So, a lessening of what the world values and an expanding of what God values.  You may be saying, 'Well that sounds good, that doesn't sound like a cost, it sounds like a benefit, I want to value what God values.'  I agree, I'm sure most of us would.  But what about when what we value contradicts with what God values?  How we use our time, spend our money, make our money, what we do with our free time, the type of clothes we wear, the type of house we live in, where we live....the list goes on.   Are we willing to let go of what we value to receive what God values?

Third, are keeping all the strength of our "body, soul, and spirit" for God's purposes?  Or, are we so spent physically, emotionally, and spiritually that we have nothing left to offer God.  Are we so busy doing our 'job' that we've forgotten to do our jobs as followers of Christ?  Does God receive the first fruits of our energy,  our emotions,and our souls?  Or do we allow the pressures and cares of the world to drain us?

Fourth, God has set us apart for a special, and unique purpose!  Each one of us has a part to play in the story we find ourselves in.  God is working all around us and He invites us to join Him EVERYDAY!  Are we accepting His invitation?

My road to sanctification is long and winding.....but I have faith that I'm moving in the right direction.  As the Psalms say, "I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free." (119:32 NIV) Sanctification is hard, but God's yoke is easy and His love is undeniable.  Cling to Him and He will set your heart free.