Saturday, April 24, 2010

He uses all types....

Today on a corner in 'Downtown' Red Lodge there was a group of about 20 or some from Bend, Oregon and Absarokee, Montana. They wore sandwich boards with truths from the Bible on them. One man was 'preaching' to the passerbys and then commenced to play his guitar while others sang.

I passed by these folks as I was headed to a restaurant to grab a bottle of wine to take back to the office. (A closing time treat on a Friday afternoon....for more than just me.) I felt slightly odd doing this with this group right out front but not enough to forego my task. I briefly spoke to one guy with the group. He was originally from Korea and was with the Bend, Oregon group in some type of a missionary training program.

While I don't necessarily agree with their method of sharing Jesus, and while it certainly doesn't have an impact on me (although me and Jesus are already pretty tight) I have to believe that these folks felt led to share Jesus' love in this manner. I would hope that someone who truly follows Jesus Christ wouldn't set forth on a path of sharing Him unless that path was blessed by Him. I pray someone, at least one person, was positively affected by what they heard today.

Tonight at dinner I had an interesting conversation with a friend and my father. I pray the words spoken might have some lasting effect. Our conversation followed a lovely dinner with a few glasses of wine amongst the table. Quite different from the demonstration on the street today but the goal was the same - to share the undeniable love of our God, our Creator, our Friend...Jesus Christ. Again, I have to believe that God can work through all manners and methods. I pray someone, at least one person, was positively affected by what they heard tonight.

Both events were just a good reminder that our God, with His love undeniable, uses all types. Amen.