Sunday, April 19, 2009

Running on Empty

How often in our lives do we slowly allow our 'tanks' to become empty? For me, I know it's far more often then I would hope. Although I know, without a shadow of doubt, that my only true source is Christ alone, I still so often find myself trying to fill my tank with other sources, things of this world that are only temporary and ultimately not fulfilling. Why do I do this?

In church today we focused on elevating ourselves to the next level of our Christian walk and how this can occur. Pastor David (CrossPointe Church) named three things found in 1 Peter 2:1-3:

"Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk. so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good."

1) We must remove sin from our lives. Yes, we've been washed clean by the blood of Christ but if we are to grow in our walk with the Lord, we are still called to remove deliberate acts of sin from our lives. Peter lists malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander (gossip) and calls on us to RID ourselves of ALL of it. For us to have even a chance of this occurring, we must rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance, wisdom, and strength. And we also must discipline ourselves: our mind and our bodies.

2) We must spend time in God's word. I know for me this is typically one of the first disciplines that I allow to slip when the things of this world begin to crowd in around me. God's word is so critical to us elevating ourselves in our Christian walk. His word is the Bread of Life, it is our Source. So even though I may be spending quite time with God and praying continuously, if I'm not storing up His Word in my heart, my tank will still be empty. I've come to realize, through experience, that it is His Word that I depend on when the things of the world crowd in around me. But, if I haven't spent DAILY time in His word, there's little to nothing there when I need the source the most.

Not only is God's Word a source for us to sustain ourselves in this world, it's also a source for our growth. So, when I find myself stagnant, and feel as if life is standing still it's normally because I have lapsed in studying His Word.

3) We must remember the good things God has done in our lives: By recalling and celebrating the blessings God has provided in our lives, we can stand firm and trust in Him that He will continue to provide. We have 'tasted that the Lord is good' and that taste is longer lasting than anything good that the world may have to offer. So, when we are tempted by the 'goodness' of the world, we must cling to the true goodness that God has shared with us in the past, and will share with us again.

Today's message was a wonderful reminder to me that my true source is God our Father. So when I'm feeling drained, overwhelmed, or apathetic I have most likely drifted from my source and am running on empty.

'Heavenly Father, Thank you for being willing to fill us up no matter how long it's been since we've come to you and honored you as our Source. Thank you for your unconditional love, mercy, and forgiveness. Father, please continue to reveal to us in new ways your majesty. May we seek You and only You as our source and turn to You only for strength and renewal. May we remember that the things of this world are temporal but You are everlasting. Father, please fill us up so that we in turn can pour into those around us. Amen.'

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Awakening

I feel as though I've been in a fog. Not sure when it started, not sure where it came from. Unfortunately, I don't think I even realized I was in it, until I started to come out.

My heart is grateful. God's love is so undeniable, even in spite of my drifting from Him, He is there. Okay, let's be honest - at times it seems as though I'm running from Him, and yet He's still there. Waiting, loving, caring, forgiving. Thank you Father for your mercy and grace.

I'm so thankful that I know Him. I'm thankful that I know in my head that I know Him, so when I can't feel it in my heart I can still cling to the truth. Sometimes it seems this is all I have to cling to.

I'm thankful that Jesus came right out and said that in this world we would have tough times but that we could rest in Him for He has overcome this world:

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Thank you Lord for never forsaking us, even when we are lost in a self-induced fog. Thank you for your Word Father that is a lamp unto my feet, guiding me out of the fog and into your loving arms.

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." (Psalm 119:105)

Thank you God for your love unconditional, unending, undeniable.