Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Doorknob, a Road Reflector, a Lego

At Toastmasters today, the Tabletopics were focused on what your life would be like if you were one of three inanimate objects: a doorknob, a road reflector, or a Lego. As each presenter described their life as this odd object, a began to think how each of those could symbolize my life as the daughter of a king; the precious child of an all-knowing, all-powerful, gracious, caring, and merciful father.

A Doorknob:
The presenter described a doorknob as a facilitator. Just as a doorknob facilitates the opening of a new opportunity, the love of Christ opens hundreds of doors and new opportunities. We, as believers, are able to facilitate spreading this love and help those around us experience these new opportunities, this new found love.

A Road Reflector:
Just as the road reflector reflects the lights of a car, we are called to reflect the light of Christ - We are called to reflect His love upon each person we come in contact with.

A Lego:
Christ is the foundation, the Church is the Body of Christ, so we too are part of that foundation. We are made for relationships, for connection. Just as the Lego is designed to connect to other Legos, we are designed to connect with other brothers and sisters in Christ. Together we can build something great.

It's truly amazing how we can find God in everything if only we look. No matter where we go, He is there. His love undeniable remains.

Dear most gracious and wonderful Father, thank you for the reminders throughout the day that you are real, that you are here, and that you love us. May we continue to see examples of your greatness each day, may our eyes be opened to your wonderful works. Amen.

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