Friday, May 28, 2010

Thoughts on Life - Part 1

My thoughts on this fleeting life that we all enjoy. (Warning: This is slightly long.) Please share your thoughts as well.

1) We were all created by an almighty, all knowing, all present God

2) Each of us is a soul contained within a body

3) When we leave this Earth we will take nothing with us, just as we brought nothing

4) The almighty God that created us loves each one of us; those that know Him and those that don't.

5) He created us to have a real relationship with Him. A relationship that is more fulfilling than anything we could find on this Earth.

6) We have the freewill to choose whether or not to have this relationship. God will not force us because God is love and love does not force.

7) Deciding to have a relationship with God is easy! We are the ones who make it complicated.

7 (Expanded) All we need to do is admit (i.e. verbally say) that we are a sinner, which means we do things God's Word (The Bible) says are not right (i.e. lying, stealing, being selfish, conceited, or boastful; not serving others, being lazy or proud, and the list goes on) It's not that God wants us to live in a box, the opposite is actually true. He wants us to be free from the bondage that sin places on us (more about this to come in Part 2 ).

So to help us be free, God allowed His one Son to come to Earth to show us what it was like to truly love someone. Jesus did this His whole life and especially during the last three years. God then allowed his Son to die, showing the ultimate example of love – laying your life down for someone (more about his in Part 2 also).

So, back to making the decision to have a relationship with God. It’s about admitting need, admitting that you can’t do this world alone. Sure you may be able to survive but you won’t thrive – and who just wants to survive? Don’t we all really want to thrive?

God created this universe so He knows every stroke, He knows above anyone else how things flow. Ever feel like all the decks are stacked against you? Like you’re not going with the flow? Like you’re struggling to go up hill while everyone else is gently coasting down? Like the universe is out to get you? Perhaps it’s because you aren’t in touch with the Creator, the Great Road Map of the World. Having a relationship with God allows you to know which way the strokes go, how the current flows, where the mountains are. Trust me, it’s amazing! It’s like unlocking the key to the universe – or learning the code to the encryption, knowing the secret language. And the great thing is that God is a lousy secret holder! He’ll give the password to anyone that asks! That’s how loving He is and how passionate He is about us experiencing FREEDOM!

So, back to the decision (again). We have to verbally admit that we’re sinners, that we need him. We also have to admit that Jesus died for our sins. As God’s Word, The Bible, says, God required pure blood (a life) as an ultimate sacrifice. He sent Jesus to be that sacrifice for our sins. (No, I don’t fully comprehend all this – but I choose to believe anyway. More about believing versus understanding in a bit.)

When we admit that we are sinners and that Jesus Christ died for our sins, there’s just one more step – accepting Jesus as your savior. That’s saying – I need saving, I can’t do it myself, and I choose Jesus. Picture yourself drowning in the middle of a crushing river. Everything you’ve tried in order to save yourself has failed. You know the end must be near….you’re giving up. Then you see, on the bank of the river, a group of people holding signs that say: “I’ll save you.” Each person is wearing a name tag: Drugs, Sex, Work, Alcohol, Money, Friends, Family, and Jesus; they’re all there.

You could take the time pick through them all, to let them all have a chance to save you – but consider this, you’re drowning! The only one that can truly save you is Jesus. Sure the others may throw you a life ring that will keep you floating for a while – but eventually it too will fail. You know that don’t you? You know because you’ve tried them before, I’ve tried them before – we all have. That’s what is important to know. The main difference between those that have made the choice versus those that haven’t is simply that – we’ve made the choice to accept Jesus as our savior and to believe. We no longer depend on the undependable. The drugs, work, money, even our family….all of them will fail us eventually – but not Jesus – never.

We were all drowning just like you at one time in our life. Then, we hit rock bottom. Bottom may look different for everyone but it’s still bottom nonetheless. And that’s when we looked up through the raging river and saw on the bank the man named Jesus. Still standing there, all the others had left, had given up – but not Jesus, he NEVER gives up, He’ll never leave us, He’s always there waiting, just hoping you’ll reach out your hand and call His name so He can rescue you, so He can wrap His arms around you – you who are so precious to Him. You’re 47 years old? He’s been waiting 47 years and he’ll continue to wait. You’re 93? 93 years He’s been waiting. As long as you’re alive it’s never too late to make the choice, to accept Jesus as your savior and to experience the Freedom that awaits you.

Now let’s talk about believing versus understanding. Some folks reading this will say, I can’t believe in that because I don’t understand it. Why would God this? Why would God that? I don’t know how this works; I need more details, more facts. I need proof. Really?

Do you believe in shuttles going to space? Do you know all the details of how it works? Do you believe in computers? Could you create one yourself? Do you believe in electricity? Did you invent the light bulb? What about cell phones? Do you know all the logistics behind those? Get my point? I know a big difference between those examples and the God of this universe is that we can’t see God and yet….we can! As I write this, the birds outside are singing- that’s God. He made those. My sweet pup is laying at my fee t – again God made her. The sun is shining – God. Trees are swaying in the wind – God. Another great example: we believe in the wind but we can’t see it. We see the effect of the wind but not the wind itself. It’s the same with God – even though we can’t see Him, we can see the effects of God all around us – a new baby, a blooming flower, a majestic mountain, the endless ocean.

I know many people will also say – there can’t possibly be a God or if there is He can’t possibly be the loving God I speak of when so many bad things happen. You’re right that’s something I can’t explain and I don’t understand but, I choose to believe anyway. I choose to believe in something good rather than something bad. It’s my choice. It’s your choice.

My prayer (my hope) is that we will all choose to believe in a love undeniable. A love that will never judge us, never criticize us, never leave us. A love that covers over all wrongs and softens all hurts. A love that is the love of the creator of this world we live in. The undeniable love of God, shown to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. - AMEN

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Living Simply - Yet Focused

I recently read this devotion from Oswald Chambers in his book My Utmost for His Highest (a fabulous daily devotional). It was a good reminder for someone like me that strives to live in the center of God's will and to do His work that the most important thing I need to do is spend quality time with Him.

"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin" - they simply are! Think of the sea, the air, the sun, the stars, and the moon - all of these simply are as well - yet what a ministry and service they render on our behalf! So often we impair God's designed influence, which He desires to exhibit through us, becuase of our own conscious effort to be consistent and useful. Jesus said there is only one way to develop and grow spiritually, and that is through focusing and concentrating on God. In essence, Jesus was saying, "Do not worry about being of use to others; simply believe on Me." In other words, pay attention to the Source, and out of you "will flow rivers of living water" (John 7:38). We cannot discover the source of our natural life through common sense and reasoning, and Jesus is teaching here that growth in our spiritual life comes not from focusing directly on it, but from concentrating on our Father in heaven. Our heavenly Father knows our circumstances, and if we will stay focused on Him, instead of our circumstances, we will grow spiritually - just as "the lilies of the field."

The people who influence us the most are not those who detain us with their continual talk, but those who live their lives like the stars in the sky and "the lilies of the field" - simply and unaffectedly. Those are the lives that mold and shape us.

If you want to be of use to God, maintain the proper relationship with Jesus Christ by staying focused on Him, and He will make use of you every minute you live - yet you will be unaware, on the conscious level of your life, that you are being used of Him."

I think the last line is worth repeating: If you want to be of use to God (which we do, right?), maintain the proper relationship with Jesus Christ by staying focused on Him (how awesome that Jesus Christ wants a relationship with us!), and He will make use of you every minute you live - yet you will be unaware, on the conscious level of your life, that you are being used of Him.

Isn't that amazing! I so desire for my entire life to be a reflection of Him, like a shining light that is unaware of its brightness. We've met people like that haven't we? People that draw us in with warmth and love yet are completely unaware they have that affect. These people are close to God. These people spend time in fellowship with Him, study His Word, and submit to His will. May we all strive to continuoulsy move towards Christ and experience His Love Undeniable!