Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'm worshiping here, or am I?

Today Pastor David (CrossPointe Church) spoke about Living a Life of Worship.

Oh that someone would look at me and see Christ reflected in my eyes, my thoughts, my words, my deeds. Oh that someone would say that I truly live a life of worship. The Bible says that King David was a man after God's own heart. So often, I feel like a girl after my own heart, looking out for my own interests. My prayer is that God will circumcise my heart, change my heart, and make me more like Him. My prayer is that my life will be a life of worship of Him.

In Psalm 9:1-2 David wrote "I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will singe praise to your name, O Most High."

In this verse David shows us what it is to live a life of worship.

1) Give Thanks - A life of worship is a life of thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for, are we thankful in everything we say? Everything we do? Everything we think? Or do we choose to focus on the things we don't have? The negative? How is that worship? How does that honor God?

2) Proclaim God's Wonders - A life of worship shares what God is doing in our life. Worship is an outflow of what God is doing in our life, it's our response to God acting in our life.

3) Be Glad - A life of worship is a life of joy and gladness. So often, we allow our circumstances to drive us and determine our mood; we allow the devil to steal our joy. Each day we make the choice to focus on the positive or the negative. A life of worship will choose the positive.

4) Praise His Name - A life of worship praises the name of our Savior, our Father, our God. Every day is a new day to celebrate and praise Him. Every minute is a new minute to worship Him, to follow Him, to surrender to Him, to allow Him to be our true savior and Lord, and to follow Him for a life of worship.

Our lives are one of our best tools to share the Gospel and His love with those around us. But, if they only get to witness us leading humdrum lives, when we're supposed to be filled with the joy of the Lord, what type of mixed message are we sending?

I pray that each day we'll choose to live a life of worship, choose to give thanks, proclaim His wonders, be glad and rejoice, and praise His Holy Name. Through this our witness will shine and His love and joy will be revealed. Through this, we will cause those around us to wonder where our joy comes from and perhaps be a great influence and catalyst in their walk with Christ.